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Thread: Please don't be stingy with your suggestions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2021

    Question Please don't be stingy with your suggestions.

    Hello everyone, we are a team that develops e-commerce tools. We completed an Etsy market research tool last month. Please take a look at what needs to be improved on our website?
    Seeing other posts, I feel that everyone’s website is very good! Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    the concept is fantastic I must say !! And before I start let me also say I can see a lot of hard work went into this.

    Can't really test out the functionality due to having to register, the biggest problem of the bat is it's not mobile responsive, I would fix that before anything else ( search bar for categories ) as to me this would be the core function of this site, it was the first place I went.

    The sign-up pop-in also deterred me a little. I would offer a few free searches alongside the signup when those are used I would need a sign up to further use the web platform.

    Your website product links open in new tabs, this again is a big no-no and bad UX for especially mobile users ( the back button is a staple in UX navigation ) You can use it with links that open in new pages.

    Top selling items I would have like to see a way to filter top by weekly sales, etc etc.

    Other than that, loads super fast, the design is clean and crisp, great data available to users, love that logo, great job.

    New Perspective Design

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