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Thread: Online Business Growth Ideas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Online Business Growth Ideas

    I am running a business of presentation templates. My company name is VizInspire and I have been working in the industry for the past 10 years. I am looking for ideas for Exclusive DESIGN Strategies which will help my business to grow fast in the industry.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Operating online also exposes your company to clients from all around the world, allowing for significant growth. The exclusive design techniques aspire to produce goods for individuals of all abilities, cultures, languages, genders, ages, and other peculiarities that distinguish humans. There are several ways to employ while creating distinct designs:

    1. Corporate strategy: This is in charge of how a designer wants to sustain his or her work over time.
    This approach identifies the designer; it focuses on the designer's mission as well as the individual's values and *****ions.

    2. Business strategy refers to the industry or business/freelance job in which a designer is involved.
    It includes client products/services, portfolio management, and the finance/marketing side of design.

    3. Product/Service strategy: This describes the products/services/work of a designer. Designers utilize product strategy to create new solutions in their visual environment by employing exceptional problem-solving abilities and design methodologies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Start your own clothing line.
    Launch a dropshipping store.
    Sell your art online.
    Become a freelance writer, designer, or developer.
    Teach an online course.
    Flip your thrift store finds.
    Publish your own book.
    Start a blog.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    15 Strategies for Quickly Expanding Your Business

    1. Build a Sales Funnel.
    The first way to quickly grow your business is by building a sales funnel. If you don't have a sales funnel, you're making a monumental mistake. Sales funnels can help to automate your business. It helps you to scale and grow quickly and easily. Sure, there's some front-end work involved. Obviously. But, once those processes are in place, it's smooth sailing from there.

    2. Utilize a Customer Management System.
    Manually tracking transactions is hard. No one wants to do that. It gets too cumbersome as the business grows. If you want to scale quickly, use a customer management system. There are plenty to choose from. But, it really depends on your line of work. Of course, cloud-based software like SalesForce is always a viable option.

    3. Research the Competition.
    When going to market, and you're really looking to get your offer to the masses, you need to research the competition. Frasier says he uses two platforms to conduct his research. The first is Similar Web. The other, AdBeat. Both provide competitive intelligence. It's your chance for x-ray lenses into all landing pages, ad copy, and other stages of the funnel.

    4. Create a Customer Loyalty Program.
    Loyalty programs are great ways to increase sales. It costs up to three times more money to acquire new customers than it does to sell something to an existing customer. Other resources pin this number anywhere from four to 10 times more. However, any way that you slice it, acquiring new customers is expensive.

    5. Identify New Opportunities.
    Analyze new opportunities in your business by understanding your demographic better. Understand everything from distribution channels to your direct competitors, and even an analysis of foreign markets and other potential industries. There are likely dozens of new opportunities you could pursue immediately with the proper amount of analysis.

    6. Build an Email List.
    One of the most best and most effective ways to grow a business quickly is to build an email list. Clearly, that means you need to have a lead magnet. Why else would people subscribe to your list? And, with a lead magnet, comes the necessity for a sales funnel. Look into companies like Aweber, ConstantContact, ConvertKit, Drip, GetResponse and others for building and managing your list.

    7. Form Strategic Partnerships.
    Strategic partnerships with the right companies can truly make a world of difference. It could allow you to reach a wide swath of customers quickly. Identifying those partnerships might be easier said than done. But, look out for companies that are complementary to your own. Contact them and propose opportunities for working together.

    8. Leverage Global Platforms.
    In the ecommerce business selling products? Why not use Amazon's FBA service? In the business of selling services? Why not use Upwork? In the business of renting vacation homes? Why not leverage AirBnB, InvitedHome, HomeAway or other global platforms? Find a platform that's reached saturation and use it to grow your business quickly.

    9. Licensing Deals
    Doing licensing deals is a great way to grow your business without too much added effort. If you have a product that you can license to others and share a revenue of, that's an ideal way to grow quickly. Taking a popular or successful product and bringing it to a company with a large footprint can help you achieve market saturation quicker.

    10. Consider a Franchise Model.
    If you have a successful business, and you're really looking to grow quickly, consider franchising it. Although franchise costs are high and moving to a franchise model is complex and takes a lot of marketing know-how, it could make all the difference if you're truly looking for quick growth.

    11. Diversify Your Offer Lineup.
    Look into diversifying your offers. What complementary products or services or information can you offer in your business? In order to grow, you need to think about expansion. Identify new opportunities within your niche. Uncover the pain points. What else can you sell to your clients. Where else can you add value in the exchange?

    12. Build Passive Income Streams.
    Growing a business takes significant effort. If you're dealing with razor-thin margins, consider building passive income streams. This way, you don't have to worry so much about keeping the lights on, so to speak. Passive income will afford you the opportunity to make mistakes and not have to lose your shirt. It'll keep you in business and provide a basis to grow and market and scale quickly by giving you ample resources.

    13. Acquire Other Businesses.
    Sometimes, acquiring other businesses is a very quick way to grow your own business. If you can find competitors or businesses in other industries that would complement your own, you could use them as platforms to scale fast. Take a look within your industry and even outside of it to find potential for potential opportunities.

    14. International Expansion.
    Can you expand internationally? Can you take your existing offers and scale them internationally? What would it take to do business in Canada or Mexico or Europe? If you have a converting offer, international expansion could be a quick way to grow. You'll incur some costs. Sure. But, the potential for profits could be massive.

    15. Create a Webinar.
    Webinars are a great way to promote any product or service. It can also help you grow any business relatively fast. Webinars provide an automated selling tool for literally taking any product or service to market and reaching a wide audience quickly. The webinar medium is great for captivating audiences to clinch sale after sale, automatically.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    What types of offline marketing do you use?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    You might think of a sales presentation as a simple pitch, a demo, or a list of facts and figures, but while a good presentation does incorporate all of those elements, it’s more than the sum of its parts. Done well, at the right time in your sales process, it gets your prospects’ attention, gets them excited, and makes them want to move forward with you and your product and make a buying decision.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Building an online business is not a challenging task anymore as there is a vast development in eCommerce technologies and you can get the marketplace instantly with all features that are built in it. For instance, start an online auction marketplace like eBay are most profitable business.

    Start a Blog and Monetize it
    Get Started With Affiliate Marketing
    Set Up an E-Commerce Site
    Create a Digital Product
    Become a YouTuber
    Start App Development
    Earn Facebook Advertising.
    Instagram Influencer

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Not to mention, if you’re working from home you can set your own hours, be your own boss and claim home office tax deductions. So, if you're ready to get started on your dream of becoming an internet entrepreneur, start with this list of online business ideas for beginners and find the one that best fits your talents and interests.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Some great ideas here

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Growing is always important for business, isn't it? There are numerous ideas how to increase the rates of your business which you can try your hand at. You can lead your own blog or channel on YouTube etc. BTW I have recently read a cool article which may become a great idea for business. As far as I remember it was connected with creating an app connected with loan management system. I think it might help someone who wants to grow business or to create their own modern app.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    You have a great scope to expand and a high time to grow in the next 5 years I must say! Presentation templates are something most worked and yet less explored.

    Few strategies you can focus on for the next couple of years.

    Innovation in Design with Research

    You are in a creative business, remember! Consumer behavior is the most changing thing you could ever witness while working for different businesses. Innovation in design can be anything brought up in a way that they have never thought of. Don't stick to ideas that prevailed for long.

    Start taking risks!

    Break at least 1 stereotype successfully

    There is nothing like permanent, trends change with time. Try to find out 1 thing that you can add to, using your creative efforts in the presentations, take a chance when you get to work with a flexible client.

    Take creative liberty!

    Bring your thing as a product for rising brands

    Let me give an example, Content writing has been a very personal thing for businesses for years. They hire their team for research and content as a part of their marketing.

    Let me now tell you about a recent startup that brought Content as a product, the name is pepper content, go check how they have changed the trends with the quality they assure. They are on a way of converting the need for quality content into a product.

    Stick to quality and be a product of value!

    Good luck man!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Here are some growth strategies:
    1. Market penetration.
    2. Market development.
    3. Product development.
    4. Diversification.
    It has to be noted, promotion and marketing usually require investing. I personally had to get a loan for this purpose. Fortunately, I found the cash store phone number here on time. This is a trusted provider of cash loans with competitive terms and high approval rates, and it helped me a lot.
    Last edited by Jim222; 01-22-2022 at 06:41 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    I don't think it's a bad idea to provide paid services. Creating of media content takes a lot of time, we need to learn to appreciate it more. It's better to learn how to earn more and spend wisely than to save on everything. A lot of online sources like helped me to control and double my savings. Highly recommended.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    The most important thing which everyone needs for the constant business growth is adapting the business to a new economic situation in the city/country/world. I had my little flower shop since ages and didn't even think of making any changes. Until the pandemic of course. First few months of frustration and fear and after i started to think clear. I took a loan from and completely change the way my business was operating. The actual shop transformed to an online shop. Flower delivery shop transformed to presents delivery shop. The profit for the past few months is higher than it was two years ago.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Im sorry for bumping old thread. Just searching similar information, thanks guys!

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