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Thread: How are you Securing your Small Business?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Lightbulb How are you Securing your Small Business?

    Small business are extremely vulnerable to CyberSecurity attacks, Ransomware attacks and hacking.

    What steps are you taking to secure your online business?

    I recently started using a cybersecurity company that focuses solely on small - medium sized businesses (including underdogs) and is offering free trails to secure any business. Before this, I never really secured any of my websites or businesses with any level of solid or structured cybersecurity. Since I had never been hacked, I figured it was not a necessary expense. Now that all of my teams are working remotely, I decided better to be protected than not.

    I am curious to hear what steps small/medium sized business owners are taking to secure their business amidst these chaotic times and this new transitionary period where employees are mainly working from home. I am Also happy to recommend the cyber Security team that I recently started using, as they are ex military and have quite a bit of knowledge & Experience. My free trial began last month with them and I am happy so far with the new levels of peace of mind that I am experiencing.

    Looking forward to responses

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    FBI issues warning over Windows 7 end-of-life
    The FBI says companies running Windows 7 systems are now in greater risk of getting hacked due to a lack of security updates.
    Don't believe everything you think

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Microsoft probably payed the FBI to say that lol. BUt yeah he is correct you need to be up to date with whatever os, and programs, applications you use. What ive seen is that given enough time vulnerabilities are found in most things and then patched most companies call them updates hahaha. But to your question I think now more than ever many people and businesses are running to get online due to the corona virus and hackers will follow them there. Its a defnite must, ive seen small businesses get hacked and have to buy their information back. Its ugly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    First of all you need to choose a reliable hosting provider. Choosing a hosting provider, make sure that you invest in quality services. The greatest security you can be guaranteed by providers who perform regular backups, network monitoring and provide support in case of any problems.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    For business, it is important that the team work efficiently and the safety of databases. Have you solved these questions?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    In order for your employees to work efficiently and not be distracted by personal affairs during working hours, install computer monitoring software to computers in the office. Employee Monitoring Software allows managers and supervisors to monitor multiple employees remotely in real time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by larika View Post
    In order for your employees to work efficiently and not be distracted by personal affairs during working hours, install computer monitoring software to computers in the office. Employee Monitoring Software allows managers and supervisors to monitor multiple employees remotely in real time.
    What software do you recommend?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Install a Firewall. ...
    Setup a VPN.
    Install Antivirus Software.
    Update Your Firmware.
    Implement Penetration Testing.
    Train Your Employees.
    Backup Your Data.
    Develop a Data Recovery Plan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    First and foremost, you must select a reputable hosting company. When selecting a hosting provider, make sure to select one that offers high-quality services. Providers who execute regular backups, network monitoring, and provide support in the event of an issue can give you with the highest level of protection.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    10 Cyber Security Tips for Small Business

    1. Train Employees in Security Principles
    Establish basic security practices and policies for employees, such as requiring strong passwords, and establish appropriate Internet use guidelines that detail penalties for violating company cybersecurity policies. Establish rules of behavior describing how to handle and protect customer information and other vital data.

    2. Protect Information, Computers, and Networks from Cyber Attacks
    Keep clean machines: having the latest security software, web browser, and operating system are the best defenses against viruses, malware, and other online threats. Set antivirus software to run a scan after each update. Install other key software updates as soon as they are available.

    3. Provide Firewall Security for Your Internet Connection
    A firewall is a set of related programs that prevent outsiders from accessing data on a private network. Make sure the operating system's firewall is enabled or install free firewall software available online. If employees work from home, ensure that their home system(s) are protected by a firewall.

    4. Create a Mobile Device Action Plan
    Mobile devices can create significant security and management challenges, especially if they hold confidential information or can access the corporate network. Require users to password-protect their devices, encrypt their data, and install security apps to prevent criminals from stealing information while the phone is on public networks. Be sure to set reporting procedures for lost or stolen equipment.

    5. Make Backup Copies of Important Business Data and Information
    Regularly backup the data on all computers. Critical data includes word processing documents, electronic spreadsheets, databases, financial files, human resources files, and accounts receivable/payable files. Backup data automatically if possible, or at least weekly and store the copies either offsite or in the cloud.

    6. Control Physical Access to Your Computers and Create User Accounts for Each Employee
    Prevent access or use of business computers by unauthorized individuals. Laptops can be particularly easy targets for theft or can be lost, so lock them up when unattended. Make sure a separate user account is created for each employee and require strong passwords. Administrative privileges should only be given to trusted IT staff and key personnel.

    7. Secure Your Wi-Fi Networks
    If you have a Wi-Fi network for your workplace, make sure it is secure, encrypted, and hidden. To hide your Wi-Fi network, set up your wireless access point or router, so it does not broadcast the network name, known as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). Password protect access to the router.

    8. Employ Best Practices on Payment Cards
    Work with banks or processors to ensure the most trusted and validated tools and anti-fraud services are being used. You may also have additional security obligations pursuant to agreements with your bank or processor. Isolate payment systems from other, less secure programs and don't use the same computer to process payments and surf the Internet.

    9. Limit Employee Access to Data and Information, Limit Authority to Install Software
    Do not provide any one employee with access to all data systems. Employees should only be given access to the specific data systems that they need for their jobs, and should not be able to install any software without permission.

    10. Passwords and Authentication
    Require employees to use unique passwords and change passwords every three months. Consider implementing multi-factor authentication that requires additional information beyond a password to gain entry. Check with your vendors that handle sensitive data, especially financial institutions, to see if they offer multi-factor authentication for your account.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Proper cybersecurity in your business data servers are very nice to have to protect your company.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    All businesses need to maintain regular backups of their most important data, and ensure that these are kept up to date and in a state where they can be easily restored. This not only prevents disruption from the loss of data but limits the threat of a ransomware attack.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    First of all we spend a lot of time choosing a reliable internet service provider.
    Cricket wireless has a great customer service here https://cricket-wireless.pissedconsu...r-service.html and we builded a good client-customer relations with them. Antivirus and proxy are definitely important but without a decent service provider it wouldn't function.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    I'm wondering why should hackers and Ransomware attackers target small businesses when they can demand more money by attacking medium and large-size businesses. It doesn't matter if they are attacking small or large businesses, they have to make the same effort. So, why should they waste their time on small businesses?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    In theory, the smaller they are, the easier it is to hack em. And they can come up with some big bucks if needed.

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