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Thread: 10 Tips To Start Your Own Business

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    When it comes to starting a business both small and large scale business has there own needs. So, below I'll be mentioning those tips that are required for all types of businesses.
    Tips to start a business:-

    1) Study and keep a note on all pros and cons: When it comes to starting a business there are not many pro and cons associated with it. It's very important before starting a business to go through all risks, challenges, benefits, etc because it's better to take the right decision initially than changing it later.

    2) Keep it easy and not complex: As you know every business opportunity comes with a risk associated with it. So, it's very important to not spend or invest that much initially in the business till the time u start getting returns as if by chance the business doesn't give the expected results it'll get really difficult for u to look back and try some better ideas.

    3) Bring business online: Nowadays it's an era of digitalization. So, it's very important to move according to the trend and bring business online no matter whatever it may be. You can also contact a good web development company to develop a great website to bring your products and services online.

    4) Start Small: Every business that starts smart and small go far as it has less cost involved with it. For example, when Amazon was started they just started with selling books and later they expanded.

    I hope the above points with help you and your venture.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Varnishakalra View Post
    When it comes to starting a business both small and large scale business has there own needs. So, below I'll be mentioning those tips that are required for all types of businesses.
    Tips to start a business:-

    1) Study and keep a note on all pros and cons: When it comes to starting a business there are not many pro and cons associated with it. It's very important before starting a business to go through all risks, challenges, benefits, etc because it's better to take the right decision initially than changing it later.

    2) Keep it easy and not complex: As you know every business opportunity comes with a risk associated with it. So, it's very important to not spend or invest that much initially in the business till the time u start getting returns as if by chance the business doesn't give the expected results it'll get really difficult for u to look back and try some better ideas.

    3) Bring business online: Nowadays it's an era of digitalization. So, it's very important to move according to the trend and bring business online no matter whatever it may be. You can also contact a good web development company to develop a great website to bring your products and services online.

    4) Start Small: Every business that starts smart and small go far as it has less cost involved with it. For example, when Amazon was started they just started with selling books and later they expanded.

    I hope the above points with help you and your venture.
    I like the point you bring it seems you focus alot on not starting big, Amazon is a great example of that. I must say you also say that every business is a risk. I know entrepreneurs with money tend to start big. Because they realize time is also money. They will roll the dice start 3 business go big and find one that is a cash cow ( makes a heck of a lot of money ) while you being cautious may still in that same period be building for the next 3 years on something that may end up being nothing. These entrepreneurs weill then take the moeny tey made from the cash cow invest it nd repeat the cycle or add the brand to their portfollio and repeat the cycle.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I would focus on selling a very unique product or service. You need to stand out from the crowd.
    IRS Registered Tax Preparer

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    You cant re invent the wheel and the odds of doing that is very low. What most coporates do so well they take a existing service or product and improve upon it, they innovate it.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    There are so many duplicate products. I agree it is very hard to find a unique product.
    IRS Registered Tax Preparer

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Tips for starting a small business
    Address excuses. Countless people dream of becoming entrepreneurs, but they never do.
    Absorb everything. Listen to what others have to say—friends, family, experts, even yourself.
    Be a solution.
    Keep it simple.
    Count the costs.
    Imagine yourself with zero money.
    Earn while you build.
    Speak up about your business.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Amazing tips you shared about to start an online business.

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  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Tips to start your business

    Starting a new business is both difficult and rewarding. You need to make a lot of strategies to get some good output in the form of customers. Below are so many tips for starting a new business.

    • Know yourself, your business and do complete research about it like how it works, how it can be beneficial for others.
    • Know your business's key strengths and identify your attainable goals.
    • Fix a deadline to finish all the tasks in a timely manner.
    • Fix a budget
    • Use all the types of marketing channels like social media marketing and email marketing, SEO and PPC, etc. This will help you to get new customers.
    • Research about your competitors and find out what they sell and how they sell.
    • Before starting, know your all the needs
    • Start on a small scale. If it works then try to build it.
    • Implement all the latest technologies in your business.
    • Track the results and ignore the strategies that are not working for your business.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Tips for starting your Own Business:

    Address excuses.
    Absorb everything.
    Be a solution.
    Keep it simple.
    Count the costs.
    Imagine yourself with zero money.
    Earn while you build.
    Speak up about your business.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Hello! Thank you for the competent advice. The most correct one is not to panic under any circumstances and always use the services of professionals, especially at the initial stage

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Tips to start your own Small business -

    1.Let “You” be present in Your Business. ...
    2.Keep your Focus. ...
    3.Know how to Make Money. ...
    4.Know the Expenses. ...
    5.Find the right Investors and Listen to them. ...
    6.Learn from Your Mistakes. ...
    7.Add value to Customer Experience. ...
    8.Work with Patience.
    9.Work on Your Strengths and Outsource Weaknesses
    10. Know when to Quit

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  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I think you can make some interesting marketing items for your campaigns like those from PinSource, for example. I have been using that service for some time, and I am really happy with everything. I am pretty sure that you will find it interesting to you too

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Good topic. Thanks for sharing your experience! I think, almost all people worry about money when it comes to starting a business. I personally had to get a loan. Of course, I wanted to figure out in advance how much I would have to pay every month. Here a loan payments calculator helped me a lot. It was easy to count everything. Maybe someone else will find it useful.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    To develop your business, I advise you to use the services of a website builder. It also has a variety of integrations to scale your business.

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