Hello, my name is George, I am the Co-founder of a distributed eCommerce startup plug&paid.

plug&paid (plugnpaid), is a hosted shopping cart solution that lets you easily turn any website into a shop. Sellers can generate buttons, links and widgets (which we have nicknamed 'plugs') that convert page visitors or social media followers into shoppers. Payments can be received through PayPal, Credit Card (Stripe) and Bitcoin (Bitpay). You do not need any advanced coding experience to install our shopping cart on your website, and it is really as simple as copying and pasting a few lines of HTML in your source code.

After 10 years working on eCommerce solutions, we have built this bit of software with simplicity in mind and for novice webmasters who do not know how to deal with setting up long-winded storefront solutions, which also tend to nickel and dime you with fees and add-on features.

Take a look at some of our tutorial videos below to get you started with eCommerce.

How to get started selling on Facebook

Thank you for watching.

Kind regards,