How to add signature in this form?
Guys can you please explain how can I add signature in this form just like others?
You have to be here a while and get a certain number of posts.
how long is it, please let me know
The number of posts to be able to use a signature is much higher than five.
You might also want to read the “Rules” about signatures here:
I have reached seven and still not able to add a signature. Any suggestion, let me know, please.
Suggestion-> Read the other posts in this thread
To add a signature you have to spend some time on the form. Here you have to post some nice posts. You can not join the signature just after joining. This can be against the term condition of the form. So first you post a few days then add signature.
To get Signature you have to post new, unique things, you have to stay for a while after that only you can get your signature link to be posted on this forum. You have to win the heart of this forum site by creating Amazing Threads and giving a solution of an answer.
Is there a regulation on signature or not
Originally Posted by khacdauten
Is there a regulation on signature or not
YES there are.
Signature Rules
Originally Posted by alex5
To get Signature you have to post new, unique things, you have to stay for a while after that only you can get your signature link to be posted on this forum. You have to win the heart of this forum site by creating Amazing Threads and giving a solution of an answer.
These are reasonable requirements that protect the forum from improper use!
I also couldn't add a signature, so I'll post a link in the comments -
Thanks, for the good rules, the forum is clean with no unnecessary information.
I cant put signature in this forum. signature option is not available. why.?
Originally Posted by jessicaherron9
I cant put signature in this forum. signature option is not available. why.?
#1 reason-> Signature Rules
#2 reason-> too many other people have attempted to promote the company listed in your signature.
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